
Originally written March 2013.

Surrender your life to me.
Give me your soul,
Your last breath.
I want to watch you fall.

Your life slowing oozing out,
You don’t have much long.
Why not give in?
And become mine.

I beckon you to join me.
To become one of us,
A fallen one.
Fighting for nothing.

I can see
The hate and pain in your eyes,
The fact that you’re so broken
Just makes this easier.

I want you to join me.
To step out of the realm we call life.
And into the realm we call bliss.
Bliss is where we are free.

Bliss is where nothing can hurt us,
Where we are immortal.
No words nor actions hurt us here.
Just you and I.

So why not think about it?
I want to see you fall.
Crumble and succumb to nothing.
Like the weak being that you are.

The way your body limply falls,
The fact that you will never rise again.
I love all that.
I simply do.

Surrender your life to me.
Give me your soul,
Your last breath.
I want to watch you fall.

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